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Supply Chain Management

At Booz Allen, our supply chain is an integral part of our value proposition and critical to achieving our clients' missions. Booz Allen exercises a holistic approach to engaging with our 5,000+ active suppliers by employing a thorough and rigorous supplier selection process.

At the forefront of our supplier selection criteria is compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct, which we incorporate into supplier agreements as a requirement for doing business with Booz Allen. Cybersecurity risk is also a critical consideration in selecting and managing our suppliers. We require our suppliers to comply with applicable laws and regulations and ensure entrusted information is protected. We actively screen our suppliers for compliance with requirements related to DFARS 252.204-7012, NIST SP 800-171, and the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) process where appropriate.

Booz Allen is committed to ensuring that our success in managing third-party risk goes hand in hand with meeting key business objectives. Our supplier risk management framework is centralized, technology-enabled, and scalable, capturing the due diligence activities and workflow that help us identify and mitigate supplier risk.

At Booz Allen, we recognize both the value of our suppliers and the complexities in managing a broad supplier base. Led by our Global Supply Chain team, we continuously seek ways to improve our third-party vetting process through a coordinated focus across the firm, use of technology, and an understanding of current threats.