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The Booz Allen Hamilton 2023 Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Report ("FY23 ESG Report") has been prepared in alignment with the World Economic Forum Core Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics (the "WEF Framework"), as applicable to our firm. The WEF Core Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics seek to improve the ways that companies measure and demonstrate their contributions toward creating more prosperous, fulfilled societies and a more sustainable relationship with our planet. Topics that may be deemed material under the WEF Framework are not necessarily material for purposes of the U.S. federal securities laws or for other purposes.

Setting purpose The company's stated purpose, as the expression of the means by which a business proposed solutions to economic, environmental, and social issues. Corporate purpose should create value for all stakeholders, including shareholders.

Our corporate purpose is: Empower People to Change the World®.

FY23 ESG Report; Introduction, Leadership Welcome (Pages 3-4)

FY23 ESG Report; Introduction, Our Business (Page 7)

See also:

GRI Content Index; GRI 2-12

Our Purpose and Values

Governance body composition Composition of the highest governance body and its committees by: competencies relating to economic, environmental, and social topics; executive or nonexecutive; tenure on the governance body; number of each individual's other significant positions and commitments; gender; membership of underrepresented social groups; stakeholder representation.

FY23 ESG Report; Corporate Governance, Board of Directors (Page 52)

See also:

GRI Content Index; GRI 2-9

GRI Content Index; GRI 405-1

Leadership & Governance

FY23 Proxy Statement; Proposal 1: Election of Directors, Board Skills Matrix (Page 8)

FY23 Proxy Statement; Corporate Governance and General Information Concerning the Board of Directors and Its Committees (Pages 15-23)

Material issues impacting stakeholders A list of the topics that are material to key stakeholders and the company, how the topics were identified, and how the stakeholders were engaged.

FY23 ESG Report; Approach to ESG, ESG Topic Materiality (Page 11)

FY23 ESG Report; Approach to ESG, Our ESG Strategy (Page 9)

See Also:

2022 ESG Materiality Assessment Reference Guide

GRI Content Index; GRI 3-2

GRI Content Index; GRI 2-12

GRI Content Index; GRI 2-29

  1. Total percentage of governance body members, employees, and business partners who have received training on the organization's anticorruption policies and procedures, broken down by region.
    1. Total number and nature of incidents of corruption confirmed during the current year, but related to previous years.
    2. Total number and nature of incidents of corruption confirmed during the current year, related to this year.
  2. Discussion of initiatives and stakeholder engagement to improve the broader operating environment and culture, in order to combat corruption.

FY23 ESG Report; Corporate Governance, Ethics & Compliance (Page 53-54)

Anticorruption and Anti-Bribery Compliance Program

We do not report total number or nature of incidents as it is Booz Allen confidential information.

See also:

GRI Content Index; GRI 205-2

Protected ethics advice and reporting mechanisms

A description of internal and external mechanisms for:

  1. Seeking advice about ethical and lawful behavior and organizational integrity.
  2. Reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior and lack of organizational integrity.

FY23 ESG Report; Corporate Governance, Ethics & Compliance (Pages 53-54)

Working with Ethical Business Intermediaries Policy

Booz Allen's Code of Business Ethics and Conduct

See also:

GRI Content Index; GRI 2-26

Integrating risk and opportunity into business process Company risk factor and opportunity disclosures that clearly identify the principal material risks and opportunities facing the company specifically (as opposed to generic sector risks), the company appetite in respect of these risks, how these risks and opportunities have moved over time, and the responses to those changes. These opportunities and risks should integrate material economic, environmental, and social issues, including climate change and data stewardship.

FY23 ESG Report; Approach to ESG, Managing ESG Topics (Page 10)

FY23 ESG Report; Drive Community Resilience, Climate Change (Pages 43-45)

See also:

FY23 Annual Report on Form 10-K; Part I, Item 1A, Risk Factors (Pages 15-16, 38-39)

SASB Content Index; SV-PS-230a.1

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions For all relevant greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, F-gases, etc.), report in metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) GHG Protocol Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Estimate and report material upstream and downstream (GHG Protocol Scope 3) emissions where appropriate.

FY23 ESG Report; Drive Community Resilience, Climate Change (Pages 43-45)

See also:

FY23 Carbon Footprint Report

FY23 CDP Response

GRI Content Index; GRI 305:1-4

TCFD implementation Fully implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). If necessary, disclose a timeline of at most three years for full implementation. Disclose whether you have set, or have committed to set, GHG emissions targets that are in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement—to limit global warming to well below 2°C above preindustrial levels and pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C—and to achieve net-zero emissions before 2050.

TCFD Content Index

Booz Allen has committed to reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions no later than 2050. We submitted two goals to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which independently assesses corporate emissions reduction targets in keeping with what climate science says is needed to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. Our goals are: (1) an overall 50.4% emissions reduction by 2032, and (2) a 90% reduction by 2050.

See also:

FY23 ESG Report; Drive Community Resilience, Climate Change (Pages 43-45)

FY23 Carbon Footprint Report

FY23 CDP Response

GRI Content Index; GRI 305-5

Diversity and inclusion (%) Percentage of employees per employee category by age group, gender, and other indicators of diversity (e.g., ethnicity)

FY23 ESG Report; Empower Diverse Talent, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (Page 13)

See also:

FY23 Annual Report on Form 10-K; Part I, Item 1, Human Capital Management (Page 4)

GRI Content Index; GRI 405-1

Pay equality (%) Ratio of the basic salary and remuneration for each employee category by significant locations of operation for priority areas of equality: women to men, minor to major ethnic groups, and other relevant equality areas.

We do not report the specific ratio at this time, as it is Booz Allen confidential information.

FY23 ESG Report; Empower Diverse Talent, Pay Practices & Pay Equity (Page 25)

See also:

GRI Content Index; GRI 405-2

FY23 Proxy Statement; Compensation Discussion and Analysis, Setting Executive Compensation and Peer Group (Page 33)

FY23 Proxy Statement; Compensation Discussion and Analysis, Compensation Elements (Page 35)

Wage level (%)

Ratios of standard entry-level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage.

Ratio of the annual total compensation of the CEO to the median of the annual total compensation of all its employees, except the CEO.

Booz Allen currently does not report the ratio of standard entry-level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage.

The ratio of the annual total compensation of our CEO to the median of the annual total compensation of our employees (the Pay Ratio) was approximately 98 to 1.

FY23 Proxy Statement; Compensation Discussion and Analysis, Setting Executive Compensation and Peer Group (Page 33)

FY23 Proxy Statement; Compensation Discussion and Analysis, Compensation Elements (Page 35)

FY23 Proxy Statement; Compensation Discussion and Analysis, Pay Ratio (Page 58)

GRI Content Index; GRI 2-21

Health and safety (%)
  1. The number and rate of fatalities as a result of work-related injury, high-consequence work-related injuries (excluding fatalities), recordable work-related injuries, main types of work-related injury, and the number of hours worked.
  2. An explanation of how the organization facilitates workers' access to nonoccupational medical and healthcare services, and the scope of access provided for employees and workers.

FY23 ESG Report; Empower Diverse Talent, Environmental Health & Safety (Page 28)

Further information regarding Booz Allen work-related injuries can be located in the Workplace Health, Safety, Security, and Access Policy.

For nonoccupational medical and healthcare services, refer to the firm's Total Rewards Fact Sheet.

See Also:

GRI Content Index; GRI 403-9

GRI Content Index; GRI 403-6

Training provided (#, $)
  1. Average hours of training per person that the organization's employees have undertaken during the reporting period by gender and employee category (total number of hours of training provided to employees divided by the number of employees).
  2. Average training and development expenditure per full-time employee (total cost of training provided to employees divided by the number of employees).

Omitted due to unavailability of comprehensive information at this time. Our employees have a wide variety of training opportunities available to them and other training courses that are required of them. These training programs are managed by different parts of our organization and tracked through different systems. We are working collaboratively to determine the most appropriate information, including boundary and scope, for a future reporting period.

See also:

FY23 ESG Report; Empower Diverse Talent, Talent Development, Skills Credentialing (Page 20)

FY23 ESG Report; Empower Diverse Talent, Talent Development, Executive Development (Page 19)

FY23 ESG Report; Drive Community Resilience, Resilient Enterprise & Workforce, Employee Emergency Preparedness (Page 41)

FY23 ESG Report; Drive Community Resilience, Cybersecurity & Data Privacy (Pages 46-47)

FY23 ESG Report; Corporate Governance, Ethics & Compliance (Page 53)

GRI Content Index; GRI 205-2

GRI Content Index; GRI 404-1

Absolute number and rate of employment
  1. Total number and rate of new employee hires during the reporting period by age group, gender, and other indicators of diversity and region.
  2. Total number and rate of employee turnover during the reporting period by age group, gender, and other indicators of diversity and region.

FY23 ESG Report; Empower Diverse Talent, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (Page 13)

FY23 ESG Report; Booz Allen's Workforce Metrics FY23 (Page 59)

See also:

GRI Content Index; GRI 404-1

SASB Content Index; SV-PS-330a.2

FY23 Annual Report on Form 10-K; Part I, Item 1, Human Capital Management (Page 5)

Economic contribution

Direct economic value generated and distributed (EVG&D), on an accruals basis, covering the basic components for the organization's global operations, ideally split out by:

  • Revenues
  • Operating costs
  • Employee wages and benefits
  • Payments to providers of capital
  • Payments to government
  • Community investment

FY23 ESG Report; Drive Community Resilience, Resilience Through Community Engagement (Pages 48-49)

FY23 Proxy Statement; Company Performance and Highlights (Pages 30-31)

Other direct economic value information that is not provided in the FY23 Annual Report on Form 10-K is omitted as it is Booz Allen confidential information.

See also:

GRI Content Index; GRI 201-1

FY23 Annual Report on Form 10-K

Wealth creation and employment
  1. Total capital expenditures (CapEx) – Depreciation supported by narrative to describe the company’s investment strategy.
  2. Share buybacks + dividend payments supported by narrative to describe the company’s strategy for returns of capital to shareholders.

Since we do not own any of our facilities, our capital expenditure requirements primarily relate to the purchase of computers, management systems, furniture, and leasehold improvements to support our operations. Direct facility and equipment costs billed to clients are not treated as capital expenses. Our capital expenditures for fiscal year 2023 and 2022 were $76.1 million and $80.0 million, respectively.

The company paid $1.76 in dividends per share to shareholders of record in fiscal year 2023.

During fiscal years 2023 and 2022, the company repurchased 2.1 million and 4.7 million shares of the company’s Class A Common Stock, respectively, for an aggregate of $196.2 million and $389.9 million, respectively. As of March 31, 2023, the company had approximately $855.9 million remaining under the repurchase program.

See also:

FY23 Annual Report on Form 10-K; Part II, Item 7, Dividends and Share Repurchases (Page 70)

FY23 Annual Report on Form 10-K; Part II, Item 7, Capital Expenditures (Page 70)

Data in this report primarily reflects performance and operations during our 2023 fiscal year, which ended March 31, 2023. Unless otherwise noted, references to years or fiscal years are those ending on March 31.
Descriptions of our practices, policies, and programs may reflect more current information, where appropriate in the circumstances.